Starting: Wednesday 8 June 22h
Cocktail: Thursday 9 June 18h
Closing: Thursday 9 June 22h
Augustus Ruth (1991, Kangaroo Island, AU) is an Australian artist and performer working in a conceptual way, using art to create a connection with the present. His works are focused on basic concepts used by people to describe their lives and themselves. His work is therefore an extension of his private life extracted through the continuous engagement of the Australian community. His first Italian show is performed through the work Please drop my baby at home, (Cornucopia), 2016, a Japanese economy car, parked into the gallery’s space (ex garage) which holds suspended a ceramic sculpture with fruits, with the purpose of bringing the viewer into a urban vision and opening a reflection on the transportations’ way of our generation. On the other hand and contextually, some objects used by people in their transportations, such us paintings, condoms and bottles, are left in the car playing a role of travel buddies, although, due to the high percentage of alcoholism (concerning 90% of the Australian people), laws and rules severely forbid the use of alcohol.
Giuseppe Chiari (1927 – 2007, Florence, IT) music composer and conceptual artist, active in Florence in the Sixties, he studied piano and music composition systems. He was linked to John Cage experience starting his research on the sperimental music and visual poem, supporting with his friend Pietro Grossi, the association ‘Vita musicale contemporanea’ in 1961. Crucial for his artistic development was the join up with with Sylvano Bussotti, Gruppo 70 and Fluxus movement, which Chiari joined in 1962 participating at Fluxus internationale Festspiele neuester Musik in Wiesbaden. Giuseppe Chiari attended relevant international events and shows, from Documenta 5 in Kassel (1972), to Biennale di Venezia (1972; 1976; 1978) and Biennal of Sidney (1990). He developed all his research through concerts and performances in Europe and United States.
On this occasion is here exhibited the original manifesto, printed in 1974, for a urban act of visual poem in Florence. The artwork quotes the famous sentence “L’arte è finita, smettiamo tutti insieme”. Consequently the manifesto was edited with the addiction of: “Guttuso anche.” aiming to stop the cohesion between political system and artists.
Via Arnaldo da Brescia 39
10134 Torino / Italy